(Reposted just because Ramadan has ended today- Aug. 9, 2013)
This entry is already too late to begin with. i’m always sooo tired to sit down and write it all down. this actually began a week before PGMA’s SONA. I had coffee with my BFF and Ivy had mentioned a line that Marcos had once said.
"I’d rather be lucky than smart".
Whoah! We had discuss this briefly over coffee that night but even days after that, i can’t get it out of my mind. Would i rather be lucky than smart? It’s true that ivy, mark, and i never seem to have much luck in most of our endeavors although we are all smart. Days after, i texted Ivy saying that line was bothering me ever since, she replied with "O totoo nman db? We’re both smart but we’re both not lucky" (okay fine call us conceited but bragging is not the reason for this entry). If you ask me, i’d rather be smart than lucky. Smartness is inborn, something you always carry with you no matter how bad your luck is. But just a few days ago, i mentioned these to Rei (our HS Valedictorian). And again, her answer bothered me to this day. "Kung smart ka nga but you’re not lucky, eh di parang wala din". Once again, would i rather be lucky than smart??? i can’t seem to decide still.
"I’d rather be right than popular".
I agree. But in reality, when your "point" does not conform with other people’s opinion, you will be received with utmost hate which will keep you from implementing what is right. So what good is that too?I think Osang’s (a blogger) belief is much better. "If you can’t beat them, join them. Then beat them". More like know what makes them tick and then find a way to use that against them.
"Once in your life, you will meet that one person you will love deeply, the one person you will always want and need…but can never have" (or something like that)
Ouch! This is one question i always ask God in my silent prayers. Why let you fall deeply inlove with someone who is not for you in the first place? No matter how many years have passed by, you will always go back to that one person and something inside you will still hurt. Even if you have someone else already. Even if you have loved again. Something in you will always wish that somehow things were different. It’s a silent suffering. It’s a curse.

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