Blog Parts from 2007

I just have to write these or I'll go insane! Our PC's still not working and I don't lyk using my bare hands in writing anymore since I discovered blogging. I have the viral infection going on everywhere and yet months and months of not writing, I might just lose it! So, I dragged myself out to find a computer shop. Besides, I feel my room mocking me, saying "i told u so". It was darn intoxicating to stay there. And yet I have been sitting here for more than 45minutes not knowing where to begin. I have been in this rotten dilemma for 3 days now.

I haven't gotten any sleep for the last 28 hours. I don't know if it's the viral infection, my current emotional well-being (and may I add mental being), Jo's cinnamon coffee, or my personal vow to replace coffee w/ tea. My eyes already resemble tiny versions of the black hole. Avoid it at all cost.

I was so lost I didn’t know where to start. I can’t seem to write since it’s too noisy in the computer shops and my mind was already noisy by itself. As you can see from my profile, I should be writing the prologue by now but I still wanna tell you what happened before that.


Why fatal?
U think by now I should know better, right? I know. The only problem is I don’t listen to what my instincts tell me. 
I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt. Does that make me stupid or blind or something?
You know it. In your hearts of heart, you know it when something is definitely not going to be good for you. In your hearts of heart you know that you will end up at the losing streak. But still you wanna go ahead.
I will again be brokenhearted (you know what that means…especially if you know me too well). But then I will never find out if I don’t try, right? But then again, not all risk is worth taking. I believe in “choosing your battle”. And again I will go like “is this battle one you’re ready to lose?”. Damn my conscience! I do believe the rumors. Not all of them but 80% of them. They’re from people I trust. Who also trusts me to make the right decision. This is definitely fatal. BITE ME!
