Trying to Get Back on Track

So, I planned to “doodle” my thoughts every time I can in an attempt to rekindle my hand written diaries. Over the years, my diaries consisted of days to weeks late entries. I write some things down in a planner to remind myself of what I wanted to write and always...ALWAYS… promised to write the longer version at a later time but never do. I’ve had yearly planners for as long as I can remember and had diaries since I was 7 years old. Due to the internet,I found groups of people who also loves planners. Thus, my inspiration for this, or rather - re-inspiration - if there is such a word. I’ve Googled, Facebooked, Instagrammed photos upon photos of cute planners. I’ve also scoured nearby stationery stores. My game plan consists of leaving notepads (big ones) and pens in our cars so I can jot down even in the dark while the vehicle is moving. I’ll decipher my handwriting later. Most of my “worthy” thoughts come to me while travelling. These are the times when I imagine how I want my life to be and how I can get there. Well, that and staring out my bedroom window (and dreaming how nice it would be if I would be staring out a pristine beach instead. You get the idea?). And so, the need for a doodle pad. I have to buy those whose pages can easily be peeled off so I can type it in my blog once I’m back at a PC with internet.

I wonder how many entries I can come up with if I can write while sitting in Jonnor’s school waiting for his class to finish. That’s 3 hours 3x a week. Well, because I only accompany him to school from Wednesdays to Fridays. I originally planned to catch-up on my reading during these times and I did for the first 2 and a half months. But the problem with reading is I am compelled to write. The character’s own thoughts and feelings mingled with mine serve as a catalyst to put my own in black and white.

The past few days had me bringing along this small notebook with pen that I got for free back in Qatar. The pages peel off easily now probably due to old age. I used to bring this with me when I’m going somewhere where there is a possibility to write something down. Now, I bring this with me all the time. I’ll have to replace this though. But for now, this will do.
