Getting My Shit Together

(Written at home in Cavite while everyone is sleeping)

I started using a planner again. I mean, the paper kind and using your own hand writing. I tried using the modern-day style - apps, phone notepads, etc. It's the reason I refrained from buying any 2016 planner. I became lazier noting things down and eventually got tired making mental notes everyday. Another proof I'm old school. So, for the past 3 weeks or so, I was scouring all the nearby stationery and paper stores looking for the perfect stickers and when I can't find exactly what I wanted, I opted for stamps. No luck either. I'm not done yet. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of malls within a 90-minute drive (without traffic). The perks of living in Manila. But I'm willing to endure 2 hours each way of commute just to keep looking for my paraphernalia. I'm stubborn this way. When I want something so badly that is "attainable," I go for it full-force. Maybe it's my subconcious way of trying to compensate for the things that I want but can't have. And partly because I believe life is too short, especially for this (read: MY) age.

My planner also consists of a Daily Habit Checklist, a Weekly Checklist, and now I'm thinking of adding a Monthly Checklist. The problem with my age is that I've realized I haven't been doing the things that I wanted to do and years go by without accomplishing half of my childhood bucketlist. But the problem these days is that you need money to be able to pursue your passion. You go get a job to have enough budget to do so. Maintaining an employment takes 50-60 hours of your time each week. At the end of the day, you're too tired to do any of the things that made you want to work anyway. Clearly, it's a whole messed up situation. I promised myself I will try my very best now. If and when this doesn't work by December, I will have to abandon this career and settle for part-time jobs. You see, my pocket may be okay now but my soul is not. What we won't give for financial stability, right? Really, what would we rather feed? Will we choose a full stomach over a fulfilled soul? I'm on a diet so scrap the full stomach! I'm doing this even if it kills me. At least I'll die happy.
