About Me (Bitching) - an old post

June 9, 2008 by noray (but I think this has been originally posted between 2006-2007)

"Bato-bato sa langit tamaan wag magalit"

  • I am not always an angel but I’m never truly evil either. Meaning? I’m human and I make mistakes but I’m not ashamed of admitting I’m wrong. What sets me apart from you? I don’t act like a too-good-to-be-true person…like some people I know who always act like they are perfect. People always say that they can admit it when they’re wrong and say sorry. Truth is, they won’t be caught alive admitting to anything wrong! News Flash: I know the skeletons in your closet. I’ve seen them. I’ve heard it first-hand. Don’t “tell” me and the rest of the world how you are not like this or that, that you are way better than the one walking in front you. Stop acting like I’m the Devil incarnate and you’re the fallen angel. Remember, Satan is a fallen angel.

  • Of course I talk behind your back! Our difference? I say mostly GOOD things about you. You, on the other hand, bitch about everyone else to whoever it is you bump into along the halls. I only say bad things about a person to 1 or 2 people and only because they started it. And the bad things are not made-up stories but my own judgment of the kind of closet monster you are. But unlike you, I don’t tell everyone who sits beside me what a banged-up job your parents did raising you or some other truths I know that you aren’t even aware of. So don’t get fooled into thinking I’m a back-biter. You know what they say, it takes one to know one.

  • I do not understand most people’s need to be overly critical of other people’s business. And worse, when caught, they blame it on an unsuspecting person. Is your life that dull that you need to liven it up by gossiping about someone else’s? Judging someone before you actually know anything? Don’t butter yourself up by saying you don’t care what they do with their lives. The fact that you know whatever gossip is floating around means you’re actually gossiping about it too. What’s in it for you, anyway?

  • I judge people by my own experience with them not by others’ perceptions of them. Don’t you just hate those persons who will judge you simply because someone “told” them what kind of person you are? Or listen to stories about you and use that to assume this kind of image about you without really getting to know you first? To those people who don’t have their own sense of judgment, who let themselves get influenced, is your mind so small that it cannot have a place for you to make your own observations? Do you even have a brain? Or maybe you do, it’s just not working. Are the people who are spoon-feeding you all these information actually worth listening to? I’ve read somewhere that "a person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter is not nice. Believe me, it works all the time."

  • Do not mess with me. I don’t get mad, I get even. Unless you’re way better than me, shut up! For every single bad thing you say about me, I can give you ten things indicating what a low level creature you are. Hello?! Wake up. You just look stupid acting as if you’re a level higher than me. Geesh. Go get a life!

  • I may not look like much, dress much, I may not even sound much…but I am smarter and kinder than 70% of the people I’ve ever known. (Hence, the “you can never put me down (only 1 person in the entire universe can do that and believe me, IT’S NOT YOU, honey"). Okay, this may be an exaggeration on my part but if you ever, EVER truly get to know me, you might even consider raising that to 90%. (Remember when I said sounding like an arrogant bitch?) Although, it may be due to my limited network. But then again, this is solely based on my opinion. Violent reactions? Anyone?

Present Time: I'm still bitchy this way except I've met a lot more people who gives me reason to. Hmmm..Maybe I should update this.
